Colon Cleanse Testimonials

I am 27 years old, previously a business owner, property investor and now a mother of two. I’ve always been health conscious and have seen detox on a TV travel programme. Intuitively I knew it was good for my health but I didn’t want to travel or do it in a foreign environment. I was excited when I found out I could do it in Auckland and I knew it would be under clean and sterile conditions.

I took advantage of the clinic's free consultation offer and was delighted by Angela’s professionalism and clinic facilities. Her website is a fantastic source of information and alleviated most of my concerns before I had my first colon cleanse and began my detox. I was initially nervous but the ease and unobtrusive manner of the cleanse meant this quickly dissipated.

Immediately afterwards I felt energized, light in my body and vibrant. I feel clear in my mind, and more focused both physically and emotionally.

I am generally fit and healthy (doing a half marathon in three weeks) but I’m going to do this detox to enable me to ensure my body is the best it can be.

Alia P. from Takapuna 12 October 2006

I have been coming to see Angela off and on for a number of years with back, neck and some anxiety problems. I particularly liked having the suction cup and Chinese energy therapy treatment. This has been fantastic.

I recently tried the colon cleansing and initially had doubts about this but thought why not give it a go. To my surprise afterwards I felt incredibly relaxed and would definitely recommend it and do it again. I have seen advertised on TV and at chemists various colon cleansing kits. I have never tried these but recently I saw on TV the Consumers Institute advising to be wary of these. Angela’s treatment is far better and totally natural.

Alison C. from Torbay, Auckland 1 April 2006

Angela phoned to tell me of her new treatment, colon irrigation and a liver detox. I had been a patient of hers previously. She invited me to make an appointment for colon irrigation. We made it for a week’s time. I never thought about it too much but did feel rather nervous when my sister-in-law said she had seen a colon irrigation machine once and it looked like a torture chamber. I never ate meat as instructed the day before but actually dreamt about it and by the morning my courage had failed me and I cancelled. We then made another appointment and Angela explained that the machine was an updated version and that it was simply a little panel next to the toilet with a thin tube that you managed yourself. I made the next appointment and truly there was nothing to feel at all nervous about. I am sure in a few years time all bathrooms will be fitted with one and you would flush your colon as you would brush your teeth daily.

I feel overall satisfaction that I had done something beneficial. I had read that vitamins and mineral are absorbed from the colon and about its various functions and seemingly to flush toxins and have a general wash can only aid body function and general health.

Sharon from Mairangi Bay, Auckland 12 April 2006

Back Pain, Headaches and Constipation

I came to Angela about a month ago. First for the colon cleanse. A friend of ours had already been to see Angela and she and her husband had the detox programmed. I noticed the remarkable changes in there appearance and how much younger they both looked.. so my husband and I decided to visit Angela..

My 13 year old daughter has constipation problems some times. She only had one colon cleanse treatment. Her bowel motion now is a lot better and she is a lot happier.

A few weeks ago, I felt really ill. I had a very painful lower back and mid back as well as headaches. I had been constipated for 2 days. When I walked into Angela's clinic, I was in terrible pain over my body. To my surprise immediately after the colon cleanse, I felt great. The back pain had gone completely. After half an hour drive home I felt really really good. I was literally skipping around the house unable to believe how well I felt. My headaches had cleared as well.

I highly recommend the colon cleanse treatment. I believe all illness is related to overloaded toxins and colon cleansing is a great first step to getting rid of toxins followed by the detox treatment.

A B. from Glen Eden 22 May 2006